Úterý 31. říjen 2023, 8:00

The Director of Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute announces a selection procedure for the job position of TECHNICIAN POSITION IN THE FIELD OF: MATERIALS CHEMISTRY.
Research Field: Materials chemistry with focus on the synthesis and/or applications of graphenes, and their derivatives.

Department/Facility: CATRIN - RCPTM
Type of contract: Fixed-term contracts
Hours per Week: 40
Location: Olomouc
Offer Starting Date: After an agreement

Department/Facility description

We announce the opening of a new position for a technician in the field of materials chemistry with focus on the synthesis and/or applications of graphenes, and their derivatives.

The research program:The research work focuses on the synthesis of materials based graphene derivatives and other carbon nanostructures. The applicant will be part of an experienced international team with state-of-the-art equipment (see

Job Profile

The successful applicant will:

  • Technical support for the synthesis of materials and testing/characterization.
  • Close cooperation with experienced members of the team.
  • Writing reports and compiling graphs based on the acquired data.

 Qualifications:The applicants must hold a degree in the fields of chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering or relevant.


The applicants must hold a degree in the fields of chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering or relevant.

What we offer

What we offer:

  • motivational salary conditions
  • background of one of the largest employers in the Olomouc region
  • opportunities for professional and personal development
  • 30 days of vacation
  • meal allowance, pension contribution and many other employee benefits

Documents requested

CV in English

Insert the required documents in electronic form into the application form

Contact person

Bakandritsos Aristeidis, Ph.D.,, +420585634950

I want to respond to the offer

The deadline for application is 30.11.2023.

Additional Information

Other Information:

CATRIN employees join in Social Insurance (Health insurance, Employee’s pension insurance, and Employment insurance).
The starting salary will be discussed during the interview.
Submit an application-motivation letter and curriculum vitae:   with e-mail title TECHNICIAN POSITION  IN THE FIELD OF: MATERIALS CHEMISTRY.

The position will be filled as soon as the appropriate candidate will be selected.

Only selected applicants will be invited for an interview. All applications are considered, but we often cannot respond to each one. We often can only reply to those individuals we seek to set up an interview with.

The Palacký University reserves the right not to fill the position in an exceptional case without giving any reason or to cancel the selection procedure.


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