Post-doc Positions For The Project TECHSCALE

Úterý 5. prosinec 2023, 8:00

The Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials announces a selection procedure for the job position of Post-doc Positions For The Project TECHSCALE.
Research Field: Chemistry – Synthetic chemistry – Material chemistry– Engineering – Nanotechnologies – Physics.

Department/Facility: CATRIN, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
Type of contract: Fixed-term contracts
Hours per Week: 40
Location: Czech Republic - Olomouc
CATRIN, Palacký University Olomouc (Czech Republic) announces the opening of six new postdoctoral positions in the fields of:: “Synthesis of single-atom engineered materials based on active supports with a controlled coordination sphere” supervised by prof. Michal Otyepka “Energy harvesting technologies based of single-atom materials” supervised by prof. Radek Zbořil “Application of single-atom engineered materials in sensing technologies” supervised by prof. Michal Otyepka “Energy storage technologies based on single-atom engineered materials” supervised by dr. Aristeidis Bakandritsos “Single-atom catalysts for sustainable chemical transformations” \tsupervised by dr. Aristeidis Bakandritsos “Advanced single-atom engineering and in operando characterization of materials for sustainable energy production” \tsupervised by Assoc. Prof. Stepan Kment The successful candidates will receive a two-year contract (possibly extended up to five-years) at Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic. This position is open immediately for the successful candidate.
Project TESCHCALE:: The primary focus of the TECHSCALE project ( is the design, implementation, characterization, and application of a new class of materials prepared by precision single-atom engineering based on advanced nanotechnologies. During the project implementation, we expect fundamental discoveries that will push ahead the frontiers of current nanotechnologies. Furthermore, we aim at societally important applications in the field of physical and chemical sciences, namely diagnostics, theranostics, chemical catalysis, and energy storage. Adopting a completely new strategy in this field, we will include, from the beginning, as an integral part of the project, also the assessment of societal impacts and public acceptance of new technologies, including the legal framework and regulatory aspects in accordance with the rules of responsible approach to research and innovation and the objectives of sustainable development.
Offer Starting Date: After an agreement

Department/Facility description

Catrin - Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute

Post-doc Positions For The Project TECHSCALE - Catrin

Job Profile

The applicant responsibilities:

The successful candidates will join the research groups at CATRIN and work on TECHSCALE project related to the technologies beyond nanoscale. The candidate will receive a two-year contract at Palacký University Olomouc in the Czech Republic, which could be extended up to five-years in case of positive annual evaluation. The position is open immediately for the selected candidate.
The applicants’ duties:

  • carry out the excellent basic research in the respective field;
  • actively work with the supervisor, including the review and interpretation of data and revision of experimental plans to achieve the project goals;
  • summarize data for reports, patents, and presentations;
  • publish high-quality papers (dominantly in Q1/D1 journals)


Required experiences:

  • broad knowledge in chemistry and/or material science (focused on the related topic);
  • PhD or an equivalent in the field of synthetic, physical, material chemistry or chemical engineering (or related disciplines);
  • good publication record;
  • excellent oral and written English;
  • high level of independence in performing experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions regarding experimental progress and results of work.
  • good communication regarding experiment execution and analysis with the supervisor and colleagues;
  • excellent time-management skills and conducting experiments in several projects concurrently;
  • excellent team-work spirit.

What we offer

We offer support by Welcome Office, stimulating environment, attractive salary, and a unique opportunity to join a research team to conduct forefront research. Beyond performing world-class research, there is also the opportunity an translate inventions into innovations.

Documents requested

Insert the required documents in electronic form into the application form

Contact person

Saitzová Ivana, Ing.,, +420585634777

I want to respond to the offer

The deadline for application is 05.01.2024.

Additional Information

Formal requirements:
PhD or an equivalent in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Material Science, good publication record, excellent oral and written English.
Career Stage:
Research Profiles:
Recognized Researcher (R2). 
Comment/web site for additional job details:
Candidates should submit an application including a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications. Recommendation letters will be required for the candidates which will be selected to proceed to the interview phase.Screening of applicants and online interviews will resume immediately, and results will be announced by 15 January 2024. Selected applicants will be invited for final  interview in Olomouc.

Applications should be sent to  by January 5, 2024.

Start of Employment:
Immediately or upon negotiations.


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